A lot of elderly people have experimented with combining several healthy foods on their plate. The result is incredible because this combination of foods has enabled them to eliminate fat from their liver, improve their vision and cleanse their colon by regaining normal stools. The star ingredient of this diet is simply beetroot.
Beetroot is among the few plants that contain betalains, a family of pigments that contribute to its pronounced color, especially when it comes to red beetroot. These components have proven to be powerful antioxidants that help to prevent damage caused by free radicals linked to cancer, diabetes and other chronic diseases. It also has anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and liver-protective properties.
It has an incredible fiber and nutrient content that helps to purify the liver and colon. Beetroot also helps calm the nerves and combat the effects of stress. This food is essential for eye health: its leaves, which can be added to salads, contain lutein and zeaxanthin, two powerful carotenoids that protect the eyes from age-related macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa.
A source of many vitamins such as vitamin A, C, E, K, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, as well as copper, iron and manganese, regular consumption of this vegetable improves the cardiovascular system, stimulates blood circulation and increases energy levels.
One of the best ways to enjoy the benefits of beetroot is to combine it with other ingredients. The result could be a delicious salad, for a healthy and balanced diet.
Beetroot Salad Recipe:
– 2 onions
– 2 or 3 red beets
– Vinegar
– Salt to taste
– 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
– Step 1: Peel the beets, and cook them in water with a little salt.
– Step 2: cut them into small cubes. Cut the onions into small pieces and add them to the beetroot cubes.
– Step 3: Pour olive oil and vinegar and sprinkle with salt to taste. You can let this delicious salad sit for an hour before enjoying it.
Regular consumption of this beetroot salad will improve your vision and allow detoxification of your liver and colon.
However, a coloring of urine or stools occurs a few hours after eating beets. This phenomenon is completely normal and does not pose any danger to health, because the pigments in beetroot are absorbed by the intestine instead of being broken down.
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